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22 Mei 2017

Jakarta, May 22 2017 – Bebelac understands that great children are children who have intellectual intelligence (responsiveness) and emotional intelligence (kindness) who need support from parents, so that children can grow into great children. Departing from this situation, Bebelac presents "Juara Hebat Kebaikan" activity, to inspire mothers to do positive activities with children while teaching them the meaning of goodness as one of the spirit of Ramadan.
Juara Hebat Kebaikan is a program presented by Bebelac during the month of Ramadan. This activity aims to support the mother in providing appropriate stimulation to the child so that they are becoming a great children. By participating in the Juara Hebat Kebaikan, for every 1 child who takes a great action of goodness, there will be 1 donation given to the Orphanage,” stated Ade Umiyana Savitri - Brand Head of Bebelac, PT Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera
The value of goodness needs to be instilled early on to the child in order their emotional intelligence is more honed and grows into a child with a strong personality. To understand the value of goodness, children also need to have good intellectual intelligence. Providing optimal nutrition is also needed to support children's intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence so they will become Anak Hebat, Juara Hebat Kebaikan.
Roslina Verauli, a psychologist, states, "The ability to do good from a young age is the basis for children to interact in positive, non-aggressive and cooperative ways with other people around them. This ability is an important milestone in building friendships, and relationships success with people around later
Furthermore Verauli added that children with emotional and social competencies or happy to do good for others had a positive correlation with better academic performance in school, and were even predicted to be more popular and liked by their friends. Therefore, the role of parents especially mothers are very important in providing stimulation and establishing emotional closeness with children so that He can have a better ability to show goodness to the people around him.
Doing good deeds, can be started from home with simple things. Mothers can develop actions for children at home, for example by 1) Involving them in domestic work, 2) Giving good examples to children, 3). Transfer the values ​​in the form of discussion according to the age of the child and 4) Provide support and appreciation for the acts of kindness that are displayed by children; like verbal praise.

For me, goodness is the main key of a great child, a champion child. From an early age, as parents, we always emphasize to children that doing good is a must and can be started from small things in the home environment. If the child has a good value within them, I am sure that later they will have a personality full of empathy. Ramadan is always the moment we look forward to, because on this great month, I always invite my precious one to interpret and realize the values ​​of goodness that are easily applied by children. One of them is to share with friends in the Orphanage,” said Shireen Sungkar, a public figure and mother of two children.
To support the development of intellectual and emotional intelligence they need the right nutrition in accordance with the period of growth and development. Good nutrition is one that contains fish oil, linoleic acid and vitamins and minerals, all of which can be obtained from the diet balanced and milk. With the fulfillment of optimal nutrition, the child will be able to absorb learning and adapt to his environment, while at the same time becoming a child who inspires goodness towards his surroundings.
Seeing that goodness is the key to the strength of the character of a great child, Bebelac wants to inspire mothers to invite the ‘great child’ to get used to doing little goodness every day by participating in the activities of the Juara Hebat Kebaikan. Through the Juara Hebat Kebaikan activities starting from May 5 to June 30, 2017, you can give appreciation and support to your child so that they would feel proud to continue to do good, by sending photos or videos and stories of great children's good deeds to the website  In addition, mother and the great child can be an inspiration to continue to instill the importance of doing good from an early age,” added Andi Airin, Bebelac Marketing Manager.

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Mengenai PT Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera
PT Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera berkomitmen untuk memastikan tingkat kehidupan yang lebih baik untuk generasi sekarang dan akan datang melalui pemenuhan gizi pada tahap awal kehidupan. Nutricia percaya bahwa pemenuhan nutrisi sehat selama 1.000 hari pertama sejak kandungan hingga tahun ke enam akan berdampak seumur hidup. Nutricia secara aktif bekerja sama dengan ibu, dokter dan praktisi kesehatan untuk memberikan edukasi, dukungan konseling serta program pengembangan anak yang berfokus pada stimulasi kesehatan fisik dan pengembangan karakter untuk memastikan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan generasi penerus di Indonesia.

PT Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera adalah spesialis di bidang pemenuhan gizi pada tahap awal kehidupan sejak tahun 1987. Nutricia adalah bagian dari Grup Danone dan memiliki sejarah panjang di bidang nutrisi sejak tahun 1896 di Belanda. Nutricia berinvestasi pada berbagai program riset dan pengembangan melalui kemitraan dengan para orang tua, praktisi kesehatan, universitas dan lembaga pemerintah di seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia.

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Fauziah Syafarina Nasution, Corporate Affairs Manager, 0816.748.999,