Detail News


04 November 2013

27, 7 percent of Indonesian children aged 1-4 years suffer from anemia due to iron deficiency which causes cognitive growth and achievement is not optimal.

Jakarta, September 26, 2013 – Many children experience eating problems and tend to refuse when served fruits and vegetables. This trend has caused them to be susceptible to micronutrient deficiencies which are often contained in fruits and vegetables. Though these micronutrients are important for the growth and physical, motor and cognitive development of children. In order to help mothers overcome it, today Bebelac launches Bebelac Complete Fruits and Veggies which help you fulfill your child's daily nutritional needs in accordance with the Nutrition Adequacy Rate (RDA). Bebelac Complete Fruits and Veggies supports the role of mothers in familiarizing their healthy eating patterns.

Which are classified as micronutrients are various vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, calcium and vitamin B complex. This micronutrient acts as a regulator of the use of various nutrients in the body that are important in the child's growth and development. The results of Nutriplanet research in line with the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2007 showed that 27.7 percent of Indonesian children aged 1-4 years suffered from iron deficiency anemia which resulted in not optimal cognitive growth and achievement. In addition there are 36.8 percent of Indonesian children aged 1-5 years who experience stunting (impaired growth), where one of the causes is a lack of micronutrients.

We have developed Bebelac Complete Fruits and Veggies based on these findings and we launched today as a Bebelac answer to contribute to improve the nutritional status of Indonesian children,” explained Oi Po Leong, Research and Development Director, PT Nutricia Sejahtera Indonesia who contributed in the development of this new variant.

Bebelac Complete Fruit and Veggies is not a substitute for solid food, but part of a menu with balanced nutrition for children. Containing extracts of 28 fruits and vegetables such as carrots, oranges, strawberries, apples, broccoli, grapes, pumpkin, tomatoes, pineapple, red beets, mangoes, bananas and spinach, which are rich in micronutrients, Bebelac Complete Fruits and Veggies are given to their children to help meet daily nutritional needs in addition to the child's main food. Another advantage of Bebelac Complete Fruit and Veggies is that it tastes good even though it does not contain sucrose, which helps reduce the tendency of children to be addicted to sweetness,” explained Ade Umiyana Savitri, Bebelac Marketing Manager, PT Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera.

Based on the AKG guidelines, children aged 1-3 years need 1,200 kcal per day for growth and physical activity. Of that amount, milk can help meet around 20-30% of its needs. “I still need to observe the height, weight and health conditions of children so that they can get the right solution for children who have difficulty eating. If the child has difficulty eating, for example, often reject fruits and vegetables, but does not experience a decrease or lack of weight, the main thing is to improve diet, and choose foods that can help meet nutritional needs, especially the micronutrients. If there is weight loss in children who are difficult to eat, then a more thorough consultation with the doctor is needed,” added Dr. dr. Saptawati Bardosono MSc, a nutritionist and one of the instructors at The University of Indonesia Faculty of Medicine was the expert speaker at this launch event. 

Micronutrient deficiency problems are not only Indonesian problems. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 2 billion people in the world experience vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The results of the Nutricia Research study together with SEAMEO (2012) on children's intake and diet indicate that Indonesian children aged 1-5 years tend to experience micronutrient deficiencies.

"Children who experience eating problems and tend to refuse when served fruits and vegetables are one of the reasons why micronutrient deficiencies are lacking. A fun way to try is to invite children to shop, choose fruits and vegetables and cook them together. In addition to children's nutritional adequacy , Bebelac also wants to help you teach healthy eating patterns in children,” Ade added. The 2013 Public Health Nutrition Journal found that children who help choose and process their own food ingredients will like to eat healthier and eat vegetables 10% more than those who do not help at all.

"Through the provision of quality products, we hope to be able to continue to help address the nutritional problems of Indonesian children and take concrete steps to be part of the solution to multiple nutritional burden in Indonesia,” said Swissanto Soerojo, Medical Director, PT Nutricia Sejahtera Indonesia which launched the product this is officially new.

Nutricia is committed to constantly developing new products, providing non-stop services and utilizing the latest technology so parents can provide the best for their baby in the first 1,000 days of life, so that the precious one can get a healthier life.

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